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Мяч прыгает по экрану
14.12.2009, 18:59 | |
Вообщем суть в том, что мячик начинает прыгать по экрану, если по нему кликнуть мышкой.
Code <HEAD> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript1.2"> <!-- Original: Dragos Saracu (smardoi@yahoo.com) --> <!-- Cross Browser by: Bob Simpson (webmaster@maryjanebrown.net) --> <!-- Contributor URL: http://www.maryjanebrown.net/webmaster --> <! > <! > <!-- Begin function BrowserCheck() { var b = navigator.appName; if (b == "Netscape") this.b = "NS"; else if (b == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") this.b = "IE"; else this.b = b; this.v = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); this.NS = (this.b == "NS" && this.v>=4); this.NS4 = (this.b == "NS" && this.v == 4); this.NS5 = (this.b == "NS" && this.v == 5); this.IE = (this.b == "IE" && this.v>=4); this.IE4 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 4')>0); this.IE5 = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 5')>0); if (this.IE5 || this.NS5) this.VER5 = true; if (this.IE4 || this.NS4) this.VER4 = true; this.OLD = (! this.VER5 && ! this.VER4) ? true : false; this.min = (this.NS||this.IE); } is = new BrowserCheck(); // End --> </script> </HEAD> <!-- STEP TWO: Copy this code into the BODY of your HTML document --> <BODY> <center> Click anywhere to start script<br> <div id="staticBall" style="position:relative;visibility:visible"> <img src="../img/ball-drop/ball.gif" height=30 width=30 alt="Static ball"> </div> </center> <div id="ball" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute; left:100; top:10; height:34; width:34"> <img src="../img/ball-drop/ball.gif" height=30 width=30 alt="Bouncing ball"> </div> <script language="Javascript1.2"> <!-- Begin iter = 0; setId = 0; down = true; up = false; bouncingBall = (is.VER5) ? document.getElementById("ball").style : (is.NS) ? document.layers["ball"] : document.all["ball"].style; stillBall = (is.VER5) ? document.getElementById("staticBall").style : (is.NS) ? document.layers["staticBall"] : document.all["staticBall"].style; winH = (is.NS) ? window.innerHeight - 55 : document.body.offsetHeight - 55; document.onmouseup = buttonUp; if (is.NS4) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP); function buttonUp(e) { if ( ((is.NS) ? e.which : event.button) != 1) return true; if (setId != 0) clearInterval(setId); bouncingBall.visibility="visible"; stillBall.visibility="hidden"; bouncingBall.left = (is.NS) ? e.pageX - 15 : event.offsetX - 15; bouncingBall.top = (is.NS) ? e.pageY - 15 : event.offsetY - 15; iter = 0; setId = setInterval("generateGravity()", 20); return true; } function generateGravity() { if ((parseInt(bouncingBall.top)+iter < winH) && down) { bouncingBall.top = parseInt(bouncingBall.top) + iter; iter++; return; } else { if ((parseInt(bouncingBall.top)< winH) && down) { bouncingBall.top = winH + 5; return; } down = false; up = true; if (iter < 0 && parseInt(bouncingBall.top) > winH) { clearInterval(setId); bouncingBall.visibility = "hidden"; stillBall.visibility="visible"; setId = 0; } if (parseInt(bouncingBall.top) > 0 && up && iter >= 0) { bouncingBall.top = parseInt(bouncingBall.top) - iter; iter--; if (iter%3 == 0) iter--; return; } down = true; up = false; } } // End --> </script> <!-- Script Size: 3.46 KB --> Вот картинка мячика: | |
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